Would you prefer work oversease or domestice company?

I would like to work in abroad.


I'll shere two reasons.

First reason is to broden my fandamental value to be happy. In my perspective, broden my view is good way to make may life better. This is based on my experience. Sometime I hang out with my friends and I communicate with them. I often feel They don't have a enought option to be happy. For exampele, in terms entertaiment, they like smorking, drinking alcohol, doing gambling ...etc. I thought everytime I hear their ideas, It is not good to have less options in the brain. I mean there are more exciting fun things as hobby. But from a bird's eye view, I'm same as them from the people who live in abroad and work abroad. Thus, this idea triggered that I want to work in overseas to feel happy.


Second reason is to improve my  value in the job market. These days, our society value the personality ability. Moreover, We have to ensure our life instead of our copany. Therefore, to make a good life We must be high value individual in the job market. And I've heaed the fact that the person who has worked in overseas is high valuable person in the market.


These two reasons I prefer to working abroad.