The abstract ability I've gotten from Learning English

The specific ability I've gotten from learning English is English itself . On the other hand, Just as you can develop some society skills if you tuckle hard any things, so I've also gotten the some abstract skills from English journy. To organaize the ability, and make use of this experience in the future, I'll write capacity in this platfom.


1 Thinking efficiently

When I started learning English, unfortunally, I tyied a lot of useless studying method. For instance I wrote solutions of TOEIC part5 in the note. But that was not efficient way to improve my grammer knowledge. I mean how to solve the problem already written in the textbook. So, that was not efficient way of developing my English. Of course, At the time I was learning English with a clear intention. In terms of this method, There is purpose that separate knowledge into categories, such as part of speech question, preposition versus conjunction question, relative pronoun question... . However I couldn't aware that this way will take many times until it continues for a while. From my football experience, I thoght organaize knowledge is very significant action to enhance my ability. But I wasn't considering the feature between football and learning English. Explaining each of these feature, First football character is limits amount of practice in terms of phycical fatigue. So, I had to learn a lot of things from less practice amount. In some case I had to impliment my assignment with no practice. That's why I had been striving categolize assingment to memorize my role. And That behavior had led to my unefficient method of raise my TOEIC score. Regarding football, this is good way to improve my ability. Because, The amout of practice was limited. But, concerning TOEIC test, the amount of training is not be limited Since learning English wouldn't feel tireness than playing football. And learning from pactical experience is more good option than just memolizing something.  Thus, I should have conducted practical things such as doing a workbook instead of just memolizing English grammer rules. I should have considered situation.

2 Systemayzation 

Actually, this ability have been made since playing football, but It have been more improved though learning English. I mean I have tried to incorporate specific improvement plan to improve my learning English habit when I was not able to achieve my behavioral goals at review time conducted every week after identify the cause of my failure.    But, It was not complicated, just simple. For instance if the cause of my failure was waking up late. I would change the room where I sleep. For the room facing east. Because the sun usually raise up from east. which means in the morning, the sunlight enter the room facing east. Therefore it is easy to wake up early. This is my specific improvement plan. And, the reason that I attempt to clear plan to fix my bad habit is being conscious doesn't have a positive impact on enhancing things. So, I'll continue this behaivor.